Responsible Investing
As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, we integrate appropriate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the decisions we make.
We strive to adopt an approach that is relevant in the context of macro investing, while working with stakeholders to build consensus around what might be defined as ESG best practice for macro hedge funds.
ESG Integration
We believe that consideration of material ESG risk factors in our investment decision making process is an increasingly important part of our fiduciary duty to our clients. International capital flows are increasingly impacted by wider ESG considerations, so understanding this dynamic gives insight to our macro economic modelling and helps us identify likely winners and losers in the allocation of international capital.

Our Approach
Our approach has two main pillars:
Diversity & Inclusion
Modular seeks the best talent for its team, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability. We believe in the value of diverse perspectives and strive to create an environment in which all our people can thrive.
We abide by Singapore’s Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices and have signed the employer’s pledge for Fair Employment Practices.